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Fairfield County Sports Photography's mission is to be the very best full-service sports photography firm in business —
in terms of quality content, personal hands on service, and unparalleled sports action and feature photography.
Excellence Everyday is a standard that we strive to be, so FCSP is not only delivering the finest product available, but our clients are receiving the finest product as well!
With over 30 years of professional sports shooting experience — including regular "beats" with teams in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NCAA and a full knowledge of each sport — so we know exactly what to look for — our photographers will provide you with tack sharp, peak action photos that captures your favorite athlete both on the playing fields and on the sidelines. We will deliver action shots that stand on its own. Action shots that speak volumes. Action shots that capture a slice in time that you will be able to fondly enjoy for years.
For more information and to discuss on how your athlete or your team will benefit with award winning work, please